Woolcock researchers receive highest scientific award in Vietnam
Dr Thu-Anh Nguyen (second from left) and Professor Guy Marks (second from right) at the awards ceremony.
One of two 2022 Ho Chi Minh Scientific Prizes in health care has been presented to a team of 23 respiratory researchers that includes three researchers from the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research Vietnam.
The Woolcock researchers – Professor Guy Marks AM, Professor Greg Fox, and Dr Thu-Anh Nguyen – are part of a group of infectious disease experts combating the spread of tuberculosis (TB) in Vietnam. Their award recognises their tireless research and advocacy on TB, which has spanned more than a decade.
Since 2009, the Australian researchers have collaborated with the National Tuberculosis Program to work closely with Vietnamese researchers across 135 clinics throughout Vietnam to find effective ways to tackle the challenge of eradicating TB.
Their work and discoveries include: developing a ground-breaking program to end TB through community-wide testing for, and treatment of, TB; finding new effective and shorter treatment regimens for latent TB infection and active TB disease; and improving treatment adherence and better management of side effects through digital health and social psychological support for TB patients.
Professor Greg Fox (centre right) looking at an x-ray in Vietnam with collaborator Professor Dick Menzies, McGill University.
In accepting the award, Professor Greg Fox said it was an immense honour to receive the award from the Government of Vietnam, and especially meaningful to gain recognition for this work advocating for greater access and equity for TB diagnosis and treatment in the country.
“It is an incredible honour to receive this prestigious award, as a part of an outstanding team of Vietnamese and international collaborators” he said. “It is my belief for any infectious disease to be brought under control requires long-term commitment and collaboration of countless researchers and clinicians working in the field, in the community and the lab. It is a privilege to be part of that in the Vietnam National Tuberculosis Program, and to continue to dedicate my research to eradicating tuberculosis.”
“This research is testament to what can be achieved when researchers are united in a common goal in the name of public health.” Professor Fox said.
Dr Thu-Anh Nguyen, Country Director of the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research Vietnam, said: “The findings of our studies have contributed to policy changes not only in Vietnam, but also many other high burden countries in the world, saving thousands of lives. However, we need to work harder to help the next generation to be free of this preventable infectious disease.”
Australia’s Ambassador to Vietnam, HE Andrew Goledzinowski, remarked: “This is a significant occasion, as it marks the first time that the Ho Chi Minh prize has been awarded to a research team that includes international researchers, in this case three remarkable recipients from Australia’s Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales in Sydney. I’m so pleased to see quality research being recognised in this way, especially when it also demonstrates the strong partnership in science between Vietnamese and Australian researchers – and in the lead-up to our celebration of 50 years of diplomatic relations. The team makes us very proud indeed.”
Professor Carol Armour AM, Executive Director of the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, said: "Our researchers have received this award for their long-term commitment to making health better for the people of Vietnam and the region. Their collaboration across institutions and countries is an example to us all of what can be achieved in research and translation."
TB is an infectious disease that affects more than 10 million people each year. Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest burdens of TB in the world. Each year, over 100,000 people are found to have TB in Vietnam. However, at least another 50,000 people remain undiagnosed and often continue spreading the infection to others.
The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research and the University of Sydney have been undertaking significant research on TB in Vietnam for more than 10 years. Research outcomes have been published in prestigious international scientific journals and have been translated into global or national policies. Today, as a result of this work, active case finding to detect TB is implemented widely throughout Vietnam and in many other high burden countries in the world, saving thousands of lives.